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TMPGEnc 4.0 XPress v4.7.1.284 Retail
Нова версія популярного відеоредактора - перекодіровщика TMPGEnc 4.0 XPress, який використовує високоякісний кодек MPEG 1/2 а так само DIVX. Завдяки продуманому оформленню програми вам не складе труднощів для того, щоб перекодувати відео.

Для досягнення кращого результату вам будуть доступні найпопулярніші кодеки включаючи DIVX 6 AVI, QuickTime, MPEG 4-ISO, H.264, DVD-Video, DVD-VR, HDV запис з камери і багато інших. Так само, ви зможете завантажити відео на ваші мобільні пристрої: PSP, iPod або PDA, використовуючи MPEG-4 ISO і H.264 формати. Програма так само містить в собі масу додаткових настройок, а так само відео фільтрів і спецефектів.

Filters Include:
- Picture Crop
- Sharpness
- Picture resize
- Smart sharpness
- Picture rotation
- Video fade in/fade out
- Deinterlace
- Subtitles
- Anti-flickering
- Audio noise reduction
- Video noise reduction
- Audio volume adjustment
- Ghost reduction
- Audio fade in/fade out
- Color correction
- Bilingual audio
- Color phase correction
- Contour
- Gaussian blur
TMPGEnc 4.0 XPress Version - April 27, 2009:
Added -- Support for the TMPGEnc Movie Plug-in SpursEngine.
Fixed -- Some specific MPEG-2 TS data (AVCHD data) would be be processed incorrectly.
Fixed -- Some specific MPEG-4 file would be be processed incorrectly.
Fixed -- Some specific audio data would not be correctly decoded by the ААС decoder and resulted in complete
absence of audio.
Fixed -- MPEG-4 file output would sometimes be incorrect in interlace mode.
Fixed -- The picture would become green during an output using CUDA. If this problem occurs again an error arises.
Fixed -- Some MPEG files could not be read anymore.
Fixed -- In some cases, when multiplexing а MPEG-1 System stream or MPEG-2 Program stream, the PTS would not be placed in the adequate PES.
Fixed -- The framerate selector display would become invalid when selecting the "Playback 3:2 pulldown" option in the MPEG output settings.
Fixed -- Other minor corrections.
Changed -- CIF resolution selection can no longer be selected in the SpursEngine file output when automatic resolution setting is active for the Super resolution processing.
Changed -- CUDA - CUDA can now be enabled even when the driver version cannot be retreived from certain CUDA supporting video cards with usable CUDA. (Since the driver version can still not be retreived, problems may occur depending on the driver version used. When using CUDA, we recommend you always install the latest version of the driver available from the NVIDIA corporate website.)

Операційна система: Windows® 2000/XP/Vista
Мова інтерфейсу: Англійський
Будинок. сторінка: http://tmpgenc.pegasys-inc.com
Ліки: Присутній
Розмір: 32 MB

TMPGEnc 4.0 XPress v4.7.1.284 Retail

Новая версия популярнейшего видеоредактора - перекодировщика TMPGEnc 4.0 XPress, который использует высококачественный кодек MPEG 1/2 а так же DivX. Благодаря продуманному оформлению программы вам не составит труда для того чтобы перекодировать видео.

Для достижения лучшего результата вам будут доступны самые популярные кодеки включая DivX 6 AVI, QuickTime, MPEG 4-ISO, H.264, DVD-Video, DVD-VR, HDV запись с камеры и многие другие. Так же, вы сможете загрузить видео на ваши мобильные устройства: PSP, iPod или PDA, используя MPEG-4 ISO и H.264 форматы. Программа так же содержит в себе массу дополнительных настроек , а так же видео фильтров и спецэффектов.

Filters Include:
- Picture Crop
- Sharpness
- Picture resize
- Smart sharpness
- Picture rotation
- Video fade in/fade out
- Deinterlace
- Subtitles
- Anti-flickering
- Audio noise reduction
- Video noise reduction
- Audio volume adjustment
- Ghost reduction
- Audio fade in/fade out
- Color correction
- Bilingual audio
- Color phase correction
- Contour
- Gaussian blur
TMPGEnc 4.0 XPress Version - April 27, 2009:
Added -- Support for the TMPGEnc Movie Plug-in SpursEngine.
Fixed -- Some specific MPEG-2 TS data (AVCHD data) would be be processed incorrectly.
Fixed -- Some specific MPEG-4 file would be be processed incorrectly.
Fixed -- Some specific audio data would not be correctly decoded by the AAC decoder and resulted in complete absence of audio.
Fixed -- MPEG-4 file output would sometimes be incorrect in interlace mode.
Fixed -- The picture would become green during an output using CUDA. If this problem occurs again an error arises.
Fixed -- Some MPEG files could not be read anymore.
Fixed -- In some cases, when multiplexing a MPEG-1 System stream or MPEG-2 Program stream, the PTS would not be placed in the adequate PES.
Fixed -- The framerate selector display would become invalid when selecting the "Playback 3:2 pulldown" option in the MPEG output settings.
Fixed -- Other minor corrections.
Changed -- CIF resolution selection can no longer be selected in the SpursEngine file output when automatic resolution setting is active for the Super resolution processing.
Changed -- CUDA - CUDA can now be enabled even when the driver version cannot be retreived from certain CUDA supporting video cards with usable CUDA. (Since the driver version can still not be retreived, problems may occur depending on the driver version used. When using CUDA, we recommend you always install the latest version of the driver available from the NVIDIA corporate website.)

Операционная система: Windows® 2000/XP/Vista
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Дом. страница: http://tmpgenc.pegasys-inc.com
Лекарство: Присутствует
Размер: 32 MB

Категорія: Софт, програми| Переглядів: 1243 | Автор: fantom2 | Дата: 30.04.2009
Теги: TMPGEnc 4.0 XPress v4.7.1.284 Retai
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