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Безкоштовно AyRegistry Optimizer 2.5 / Скачать: AyRegistry Optimizer 2.5

AyRegistry Optimizer є могутнім інструментом для ремонту помилок реєстру, легко просканувати, відремонтувати, створити резервну копію і відновити реєстр. AyRegistry Optimizer грає важливу роль в проведенні всеосяжного сканування реєстру Windows, в ремонті помилок реєстру, виправлення недійсних записів і застарілих посилань, і таким чином, програма значно покращує стабільність і продуктивність системи.

Register Optimizer is а powerful registry error repair tool, easy to scan, repair, backup & restore your registry to accelerate system speed.

Clean the useless files to free the register
When we use our computer for surfing or just download something, Windows temporary files and recent activities are stored in visible or invisible places on our computers, which takes up а lot of space on hard disk, and it is hard for manual remove all these away, and also time-consuming. By using the iTopsoft Register Optimizer, it becomes much easier to check the register, and clean the useless files efficiently.

Clean registry and repair registry errors
The registry is а database which contains important information about your computer. It also contains data about computer hardware and software. By the regular usage, the registry stores invalid entries which make the computer works slowly. As what the name indicates, а iTopsoft Register Optimizer(registry repair software) plays an important role in running а comprehensive scan through Windows registry, repairing registry errors, invalid entries and obsolete references, and thus dramatically improve system stability and performance.

Optimize your system
While the main tasks of system optimization lie in adjusting registry parameters that are designed to improve РС performance, it would be а frustrating message for most computer users. Registry editor, of course, enables you to edit registry as you want. But when you enter it and view those keys and values, you are likely to lose your direction. iTopsoft Register Optimizer displays the optimizing items directly with invisible adjusting of relevant registry parameters for your choice. A restore option also allows you restore the optimization anytime you want.

Розмір: 1,25 МБ

AyRegistry Optimizer является мощным инструментом для ремонта ошибок реестра, легко просканировать, отремонтировать, создать резервную копию и восстановить реестр. AyRegistry Optimizer играет важную роль в проведении всеобъемлющего сканирования реестра Windows, в ремонте ошибок реестра, исправления недействительных записей и устаревших ссылок, и таким образом, программа значительно улучшает стабильность и производительность системы.

Register Optimizer is a powerful registry error repair tool, easy to scan, repair, backup & restore your registry to accelerate system speed.

Clean the useless files to free the register
When we use our computer for surfing or just download something, Windows temporary files and recent activities are stored in visible or invisible places on our computers, which takes up a lot of space on hard disk, and it is hard for manual remove all these away, and also time-consuming. By using the iTopsoft Register Optimizer, it becomes much easier to check the register, and clean the useless files efficiently.

Clean registry and repair registry errors
The registry is a database which contains important information about your computer. It also contains data about computer hardware and software. By the regular usage, the registry stores invalid entries which make the computer works slowly. As what the name indicates, a iTopsoft Register Optimizer(registry repair software) plays an important role in running a comprehensive scan through Windows registry, repairing registry errors, invalid entries and obsolete references, and thus dramatically improve system stability and performance.

Optimize your system
While the main tasks of system optimization lie in adjusting registry parameters that are designed to improve PC performance, it would be a frustrating message for most computer users. Registry editor, of course, enables you to edit registry as you want. But when you enter it and view those keys and values, you are likely to lose your direction. iTopsoft Register Optimizer displays the optimizing items directly with invisible adjusting of relevant registry parameters for your choice. A restore option also allows you restore the optimization anytime you want.

Размер: 1,25 МБ

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Категорія: Софт, програми| Переглядів: 943 | Автор: MetalmaideN | Дата: 06.09.2010
Теги: AyRegistry Optimizer, AyRegistry Optimizer 2.5
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