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Безкоштовно програма / программа Portable GetData Recover My Files Professional v4.0.2 Build 441

програма Portable GetData Recover My Files Professional v4.0.2 Build 441 / программа Portable GetData Recover My Files Professional v4.0.2 Build 441

Recover My Files - могутній просунутий інструмент по "витягуванню" файлів від відомого виробника. Відновлює кіно, музику, фотографії, документи, бази даних і ін. - всього більше 300 видів файлів загублених, зруйнованих або відформатованих в наслідок різних помилкових або спеціальних деструктивних (віруси) дій, на FAT12, FAT16, FAT32 і NTFS файлових системах.

Уміє працювати з безліччю різних носіїв включаючи зі всіма коханими "флешкамі", і з незвичних особливостей, це те що програма, може знайти і відновити файли які не були не закінчені і знаходилися на стадії збереження, але не були збережені, з різних причин.

Recover My Files data recovery software will recover deleted files emptied from the Windows Recycle Bin, or lost due to hard drive format, virus infection, unexpected system shutdown or software failure. It has full options to search Windows temporary folders and can even locate and recover files that have never been saved! Recover My Files data recovery software requires no special technical skill. It is compatible with Windows XP and works with FAT 12, FAT 16, FAT 32 and NTFS file-systems. Recover deleted files from Jaz, Zip disk, other removable storage media and digital camera media. It will unerase, and recover deleted files with ease. Recover My Files has such features, like : Preview deleted files, Recover formatted drives, Complete hard drive scan.

Recover My Files™ data recovery software will find any type of file, but includes specific support for more than 300 file types in the following broad categories:
- Recover deleted email;
- Recover deleted documents;
- Recover deleted archives;
- Digital Photo recovery;
- Recover deleted music and video.

Specific support for:
- Recover Deleted Zip files
Recover My Files Data Recovery Software will recover deleted .ZIP, .RAR, .GZIP, .TAR, .LZH and .CAB files that have been emptied from or by-passed the Windows Recycle Bin.

- Recover Deleted Adobe .PDF Files
Recover My Files data recovery software will recover deleted Adobe .PDF files which have been emptied from or by-passed the Windows Recycle Bin.

- Recover Deleted AUTOCAD files (.DWG files)
Recover My Files Data Recovery Software will recover deleted AUTOCAD DWG files. It will find deleted AUTOCAD files which have been emptied from the Windows Recycle Bin, or files that have been lost due to а system crash or hard drive format.

- Recover Deleted Photoshop PSD files
Recover My Files data recovery software will recover deleted Adobe Photoshop .PSD files which have been emptied from or by-passed the Windows Recycle Bin.

- Recover Deleted Tax, Database, and Finance files
Recover My Files data recovery software will recover а wide variety of deleted financial, tax and database files. It includes specific support for the following types of deleted financial files:

- Recover deleted databases and financial files:
Access Database ( .mdb)
Access Project ( .adp)
Ancenstry Family Tree ( .aft)
CanTax T1 Personal ( .p96 .p97 .p98 .p99 .p00 .p01 .p02 .p03 .p04 .p05 .p06 .p07)
CanTax T2 Corporate ( .c96 .c97 .c98 .c99 .c00 .c01 .c02 .c03 .c04 .c05 .c06 .c07)
DBase-FoxPro Database file ( .dbf .scx .dbc)
EndNote ( .enl)
FLG File ( .flg)
FoxPro Executable ( .fxp)
Interbase Backup ( .gbk)
Interbase Database ( .gdb)
Lacerte Tax ( .mdx)
Lacerte Tax Individual ( .id0 .id9 .sd0 .sd9 .pd0 .pd9 .fd0 .fd9)
Microsoft Money ( .mny)
MS-SQL Server Database ( .mdf)
MS-SQL Server Log ( .ldf)
MYOB Data ( .dat .prm .pls)
Omnis Database file ( .df1 .lbr .ohf .lbs)
Quickbooks Backup file ( .qbb)
Quickbooks QBW file ( .qbw)
Quicken QDF file ( .qdf)
QuickTax file ( .q99 .q00 .q01 .q02 .q03 .q04)
SAS ASCII Data File ( .sas)
SAS Binary Data file ( .sas7bdat;sd2)
SPSS ( .sav)
TaxAct ( .ta5)
TaxCut file (2000-3) ( .t00 .t01 .t02 .t03)
TurboTax file ( .tах)

- Recover iPOD Files
Recover deleted music and video, including .mov, iTunes .m4a, .mp3 etc.

- Recover 300+ file types: graphics, documents, archives, email files, databases and financial files.
Size 14.0 MB

програма Portable GetData Recover My Files Professional v4.0.2 Build 441 / программа Portable GetData Recover My Files Professional v4.0.2 Build 441


програма Portable GetData Recover My Files Professional v4.0.2 Build 441 / программа Portable GetData Recover My Files Professional v4.0.2 Build 441

Recover My Files - мощный продвинутый инструмент по "вытаскиванию" файлов от известного производителя. Восстанавливает кино, музыку, фотографии, документы, базы данных и пр. - всего более 300 видов файлов утерянных, разрушенных или отформатированных в следствии различных ошибочных или специальных деструктивных (вирусы) действий, на FAT12, FAT16, FAT32 и NTFS файловых системах.

Умеет работать с множеством различных носителей включая со всеми любимыми "флэшками", и из непривычных особенностей, это то что программа, может найти и восстановить файлы которые не были не закончены и находились на стадии сохранения, но не были сохранены, по различным причинам.

Recover My Files data recovery software will recover deleted files emptied from the Windows Recycle Bin, or lost due to hard drive format, virus infection, unexpected system shutdown or software failure. It has full options to search Windows temporary folders and can even locate and recover files that have never been saved! Recover My Files data recovery software requires no special technical skill. It is compatible with Windows XP and works with FAT 12, FAT 16, FAT 32 and NTFS file-systems. Recover deleted files from Jaz, Zip disk, other removable storage media and digital camera media. It will unerase, and recover deleted files with ease. Recover My Files has such features, like : Preview deleted files, Recover formatted drives, Complete hard drive scan.

Recover My Files™ data recovery software will find any type of file, but includes specific support for more than 300 file types in the following broad categories:
- Recover deleted email;
- Recover deleted documents;
- Recover deleted archives;
- Digital Photo recovery;
- Recover deleted music and video.

Specific support for:
- Recover Deleted Zip files
Recover My Files Data Recovery Software will recover deleted .ZIP, .RAR, .GZIP, .TAR, .LZH and .CAB files that have been emptied from or by-passed the Windows Recycle Bin.

- Recover Deleted Adobe .PDF Files
Recover My Files data recovery software will recover deleted Adobe .PDF files which have been emptied from or by-passed the Windows Recycle Bin.

- Recover Deleted AutoCAD files (.DWG files)
Recover My Files Data Recovery Software will recover deleted AutoCAD DWG files. It will find deleted AutoCAD files which have been emptied from the Windows Recycle Bin, or files that have been lost due to a system crash or hard drive format.

- Recover Deleted Photoshop PSD files
Recover My Files data recovery software will recover deleted Adobe Photoshop .PSD files which have been emptied from or by-passed the Windows Recycle Bin.

- Recover Deleted Tax, Database, and Finance files
Recover My Files data recovery software will recover a wide variety of deleted financial, tax and database files. It includes specific support for the following types of deleted financial files:

- Recover deleted databases and financial files:
Access Database ( .mdb)
Access Project ( .adp)
Ancenstry Family Tree ( .aft)
CanTax T1 Personal ( .p96 .p97 .p98 .p99 .p00 .p01 .p02 .p03 .p04 .p05 .p06 .p07)
CanTax T2 Corporate ( .c96 .c97 .c98 .c99 .c00 .c01 .c02 .c03 .c04 .c05 .c06 .c07)
DBase-FoxPro Database file ( .dbf .scx .dbc)
EndNote ( .enl)
FLG File ( .flg)
FoxPro Executable ( .fxp)
Interbase Backup ( .gbk)
Interbase Database ( .gdb)
Lacerte Tax ( .mdx)
Lacerte Tax Individual ( .id0 .id9 .sd0 .sd9 .pd0 .pd9 .fd0 .fd9)
Microsoft Money ( .mny)
MS-SQL Server Database ( .mdf)
MS-SQL Server Log ( .ldf)
MYOB Data ( .dat .prm .pls)
Omnis Database file ( .df1 .lbr .ohf .lbs)
Quickbooks Backup file ( .qbb)
Quickbooks QBW file ( .qbw)
Quicken QDF file ( .qdf)
QuickTax file ( .q99 .q00 .q01 .q02 .q03 .q04)
SAS ASCII Data File ( .sas)
SAS Binary Data file ( .sas7bdat;sd2)
SPSS ( .sav)
TaxAct ( .ta5)
TaxCut file (2000-3) ( .t00 .t01 .t02 .t03)
TurboTax file ( .tax)

- Recover iPOD Files
Recover deleted music and video, including .mov, iTunes .m4a, .mp3 etc.

- Recover 300+ file types: graphics, documents, archives, email files, databases and financial files.
Size 14.0 MB

програма Portable GetData Recover My Files Professional v4.0.2 Build 441 / программа Portable GetData Recover My Files Professional v4.0.2 Build 441



Категорія: Софт, програми| Переглядів: 1038 | Автор: MetalmaideN | Дата: 19.10.2009
Теги: відновлення, Portable GetData Recover My Files P, скачати програму Recover My Files, скачать програму Recover My Files
Всього коментарів : 0
Назва українською: програма

Зараз на сайті: 1
Гостів: 1
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