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Вийшла довгождана нова версія найпопулярнішої програми - RollBack Rx, яка допоможе захистити ваш комп'ютер від збою, неправильно встановленого драйвера, ураження будь-яким вірусом, і повернути назад справну систему за лічені хвилини. RollBack Rx™ не впливає на продуктивність і займає всього 0.07 % диска, і при цьому дозволяє без перезавантаження зробити автоматично або уручну менш ніж за 3 секунди повний знімок системи, всього таких знімків можна зробити до 60 000, в будь-якій з яких ви можете швидко повернутися або повернути з них загублені або зруйновані дані.

Чи є Ви адміністратором, фахівцем IT, координатором технологій, секретарем, викладачем, випробувачем програм, бібліотекарем, або просто домашнім користувачем - Ви можете використовувати RollBack Rx™, щоб зберегти час і гроші і зняти всі свої переживання за комп'ютер. У новій версії виправлені деякі виявлені серйозні помилки і включена підтримка Windows Vista.

RollBack Rx® Highlights:
- RollBack Rx doesn’t impact performance
- Can be remotely managed and deployed (Enterprise Version)
- RollBack Rx™ only takes 0.1% of total hard disk space.
- Supports virtually unlimited snapshots.
- Takes less than 3 seconds to create а new snapshot.
- Creates а complete system snapshot without restarting the system.
- Create new snapshots manually, automatically or upon file execution.
- Recovers corrupted or deleted files from any snapshots easily
and quickly.
- Revert file histories from any of the 60,000 snapshots.
- Restores а completely crashed system to any snapshot in seconds.
- Restores а completely crashed system with data up to the second
of crash.
- Restores entire system to any of the 60,000 snapshots.
- Restores system to any snapshot with data synchronization.
- Configure the system to automatically restore to а snapshot of
your choice.
- Highly configurable interface - hide program interface from end users.
- Includes dynamic disk space management. Releases the unused disk space upon the deletion of snapshots.
- Contains intelligent disk space monitoring, informing users about the disk space usage of
each snapshot.
- Offers flexible and powerful access control.
- Supports Multi-boot systems and VM Ware.
- Consists of multi-partition protection selection.
- Incorporates quick reset of system baseline.
- Offers detailed program operation logging.
- Supports all industry standard deployment options.
- Provides completely hands-free, silent background installations.
- Includes configuration during installation. Customizes the program upon installation.
And much more...

What’s New & fixed:

- Removed Drive Image feature from Rollback Rx v9.0 release.

- Created universal Enterprise Management Console (RMC) that is compatible with all RollBack Rx client installations

- RMC license and PRODUCT ID is no longer required.

- Add code signing to tray icon and application console executables.

- Removed "nagging" start screens for netreg.exe and shield.exe when launching

- Added а command line parameter for advanced users that wish to use file level defraggers such as Diskkeeper, PerfectDisk and Windows disk defragger apps. View our KB article on defragging and our most recent forum thread regarding defragging with RollBack Rx V9.

- System with over 4GB RAM support.

- Improved kernel device driver’s memory management.
The following are problems and bugs fixed:

- Setup Rollback Rx on some Dell machine produces а BSOD due to а BIOS reporting error.
- Extraordinary large snapshot size on Windows Vista PCs.
- Uninstaller did not remove all the registry keys.
- Setup of Rollback on а hard disk containing 2GB of unpartitioned space at end of the disk could produce а BSOD.

Roll-Back System Restore Software Supports Windows 98, Me, 2000, XP and XP 64 bit, VISTA

Мова: English
Розмір: 9 Mb
Rollback Rx Professional 9.0 Build 2694416400 + KeygenAndPatch-SnD

скачати програму Rollback Rx Professional 9.0 Build 2694416400 безкоштовно / скачать программу Rollback Rx Professional 9.0 Build 2694416400 бесплатно


програма Rollback Rx Professional 9.0 Build 2694416400 безкоштовно / программа Rollback Rx Professional 9.0 Build 2694416400 бесплатно

Вышла долгожданная новая версия самой популярной программы - RollBack Rx, которая поможет защитить ваш компьютер от сбоя , неправильно установленного драйвера, поражения любого вируса, и вернуть обратно исправную систему за считанные минуты. RollBack Rx™ не влияет на производительность и занимает всего 0.07 % диска, и при этом позволяет без перезагрузки сделать автоматически или вручную менее чем за 3 секунды полный снимок системы, всего таких снимков можно сделать до 60 000, в любой из которых вы можете быстро вернуться или вернуть из них утерянные или разрушенные данные.

Являетесь ли Вы администратором, специалистом IT, координатором технологий, секретарем, преподавателем, испытателем программ, библиотекарем, или просто домашним пользователем - Вы можете использовать RollBack Rx™, чтобы сохранить время и деньги и снять все свои переживания за компьютер. В новой версии исправлены некоторые выявленные серьезные ошибки и включена поддержка Windows Vista.

RollBack Rx® Highlights:
- RollBack Rx doesn’t impact performance
- Can be remotely managed and deployed (Enterprise Version)
- RollBack Rx™ only takes 0.1% of total hard disk space.
- Supports virtually unlimited snapshots.
- Takes less than 3 seconds to create a new snapshot.
- Creates a complete system snapshot without restarting the system.
- Create new snapshots manually, automatically or upon file execution.
- Recovers corrupted or deleted files from any snapshots easily and quickly.
- Revert file histories from any of the 60,000 snapshots.
- Restores a completely crashed system to any snapshot in seconds.
- Restores a completely crashed system with data up to the second of crash.
- Restores entire system to any of the 60,000 snapshots.
- Restores system to any snapshot with data synchronization.
- Configure the system to automatically restore to a snapshot of your choice.
- Highly configurable interface - hide program interface from end users.
- Includes dynamic disk space management. Releases the unused disk space upon the deletion of snapshots.
- Contains intelligent disk space monitoring, informing users about the disk space usage of each snapshot.
- Offers flexible and powerful access control.
- Supports Multi-boot systems and VM Ware.
- Consists of multi-partition protection selection.
- Incorporates quick reset of system baseline.
- Offers detailed program operation logging.
- Supports all industry standard deployment options.
- Provides completely hands-free, silent background installations.
- Includes configuration during installation. Customizes the program upon installation.
And much more...

What’s New & fixed:

- Removed Drive Image feature from Rollback Rx v9.0 release.

- Created universal Enterprise Management Console (RMC) that is compatible with all RollBack Rx client installations

- RMC license and PRODUCT ID is no longer required.

- Add code signing to tray icon and application console executables.

- Removed "nagging" start screens for netreg.exe and shield.exe when launching

- Added a command line parameter for advanced users that wish to use file level defraggers such as Diskkeeper, PerfectDisk and Windows disk defragger apps. View our KB article on defragging and our most recent forum thread regarding defragging with RollBack Rx V9.

- System with over 4GB RAM support.

- Improved kernel device driver’s memory management.
The following are problems and bugs fixed:

- Setup Rollback Rx on some Dell machine produces a BSOD due to a BIOS reporting error.
- Extraordinary large snapshot size on Windows Vista PCs.
- Uninstaller did not remove all the registry keys.
- Setup of Rollback on a hard disk containing 2GB of unpartitioned space at end of the disk could produce a BSOD.

Roll-Back System Restore Software Supports Windows 98, Me, 2000, XP and XP 64 bit, VISTA

Язык: English
Размер: 9 Mb
Rollback Rx Professional 9.0 Build 2694416400 + KeygenAndPatch-SnD

скачати програму Rollback Rx Professional 9.0 Build 2694416400 безкоштовно / скачать программу Rollback Rx Professional 9.0 Build 2694416400 бесплатно



Категорія: Софт, програми| Переглядів: 1222 | Автор: MetalmaideN | Дата: 02.11.2009
Теги: скачать программу Rollback Rx Profe, Rollback Rx Professional 9.0 Build , скачати програму Rollback Rx Profes, скачати софт
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