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Безкоштовно RealPlayer SP 1.1.5 Build скачати

RealPlayer - популярний програвач аудіо і відео. Програвач інтегрований з веб-сервером-порталом RealNetwork, що дозволяє користувачеві бути в курсі всіх подій, що транслюються через інтернет. Дана програма призначена для відтворення потокових відео і аудіо, постійно використовуваних в Мережі, а також що уміє працювати з QuickTime, Windows Media, MPEG, DVD і VCD файлами. RealPlayer SP Plus(GOLD) на відміну від базової версії здатний конвертувати відео за допомогою кодека h.264, програвати і записувати DVD-диски.

Video Features:
- Universal Player. Play every major media type, including Flash, Quicktime MPEG–4, Windows Media, DVDs and CDs.
- High Quality Video. Enjoy HD and near DVD–quality video and audio with your broadband connection.
- Works with iTunes. Transfer your favorite videos from thousands of Web sites to your iTunes library.
- LivePause & Perfect Play. Pause, rewind and fast–forward through live audio or video clips while they play. Create
your own instant replays.
- Built-In Media Browser. The built-in media browser lets you to surf the Web while you're playing video clips or listening to music.

Audio Features:
- Advanced CD Burning. Rip, mix and burn CDs and MP3s fast. Normalize volume across your CD, set up crossfades and remove gaps between tracks.
- Advanced Audio. Take control with а 10–band equalizer. You can even between songs, tape and voice to digital files.
- 10–Band Graphic EQ. Optimize your sound exactly the way you like it with а 10–band graphic equalizer. Adjust your EQ for room size,
input type, and more.
- Crossfade. Crossfade between songs and add reverb to give your mixes а professional edge.
- Multiple Audio Formats. Supports audio CD, MP3, WMA, ААС, RealAudio Lossless, and many more.
- Surround Sound. RealPlayer supports 5-channel audio and а dedicated sub-woofer channel.
- RealAudio Lossless Format. Our new format allows you to burn high-quality CDs using only half the disk space of the standard CD audio format.
- Visualizations. Make your music look as cool as it sounds with many colorful, animations that move to the music.

Рік випуску: 2010
ОС: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
Мова інтерфейсу: Англійський
Ліки: Присутній
Розмір: 25,9 Мб


RealPlayer - популярный проигрыватель аудио и видео. Проигрыватель интегрирован с веб-порталом RealNetwork, что позволяет пользователю быть в курсе всех событий, транслируемых через Интернет. Данная программа предназначена для воспроизведения потоковых видео и аудио, постоянно используемых в Сети, а также умеющая работать с QuickTime, Windows Media, MPEG, DVD и VCD файлами. RealPlayer SP Plus(GOLD) в отличие от базовой версии способен конвертировать видео с помощью кодека h.264, проигрывать и записывать DVD-диски.

Video Features:
- Universal Player. Play every major media type, including Flash, Quicktime MPEG–4, Windows Media, DVDs and CDs.
- High Quality Video. Enjoy HD and near DVD–quality video and audio with your broadband connection.
- Works with iTunes. Transfer your favorite videos from thousands of Web sites to your iTunes library.
- LivePause & Perfect Play. Pause, rewind and fast–forward through live audio or video clips while they play. Create your own instant replays.
- Built-In Media Browser. The built-in media browser lets you to surf the Web while you're playing video clips or listening to music.

Audio Features:
- Advanced CD Burning. Rip, mix and burn CDs and MP3s fast. Normalize volume across your CD, set up crossfades and remove gaps between tracks.
- Advanced Audio. Take control with a 10–band equalizer. You can even between songs, tape and voice to digital files.
- 10–Band Graphic EQ. Optimize your sound exactly the way you like it with a 10–band graphic equalizer. Adjust your EQ for room size, input type, and more.
- Crossfade. Crossfade between songs and add reverb to give your mixes a professional edge.
- Multiple Audio Formats. Supports audio CD, MP3, WMA, AAC, RealAudio Lossless, and many more.
- Surround Sound. RealPlayer supports 5-channel audio and a dedicated sub-woofer channel.
- RealAudio Lossless Format. Our new format allows you to burn high-quality CDs using only half the disk space of the standard CD audio format.
- Visualizations. Make your music look as cool as it sounds with many colorful, animations that move to the music.

Год выпуска: 2010
ОС: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Лекарство: Присутствует
Размер: 25,9 Мб

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Категорія: Софт, програми| Переглядів: 926 | Автор: Pirat | Дата: 03.07.2010
Теги: RealPlayer SP 1.1.5 Build
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