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Безкоштовно програма / переводчик LEC Power Translator 14 Euro Edition Multilanguage Portable

програма-перекладач LEC Power Translator 14 Euro Edition Multilanguage Portable безкоштовно / программа-переводчик LEC Power Translator 14 Euro Edition Multilanguage Portable бесплатно

Power Translator Pro - це універсальна програма-перекладач. Це сама просунута настільна версія економічною бізнес лінії від компанії LEC. Перекладайте листи, електронне листування по email, в чаті, блогах і мессенжерах типу Icq. Переводите легко з будь-якої програми, - акуратно, швидко і гнучко. Переводите між безліччю мов з цим одним пакетом: с/на англійська, французька, німецька, італійська, португальська, іспанська і російська мови. Має декілька консолей для різних цілей, набір спеціалізованих словників: бізнес, комп'ютер, медичний і юридичний словники для точніших перекладів текстів по цих предметах і автоматичний ідентифікатор мови.

Power Translator Pro має розпізнавання розмовної мови з англійської, німецької, французької, іспанської, японської і китайської мов. Озвучування тексту в мову на голландській, англійській, французькій, німецькій, італійській, японській, корейській, португальській, російській і іспанській мовах. Миттєвий переклад перед курсором. Переклад виділеного тексту і захоплення тексту з некопійованих зон екрану монітора.

Power Translator helps flourish businesses near providing more access to complex subjects and duty documents. It is the most advanced form of our cost-effective desktop software
* Convert letters, emails, conversation, blogs and moment messages
* Convert from any program effortlessly
* Exact, quick, flexible

Convert between multiple languages with single software packet: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Russian.

Online Translation

With Power Translator, you also obtain an opening payment to Convert DotNetwork, with its easy-to-use desktop toolbar.
With Power Translator Euro you obtain:

* 3 month Convert DotNetwork payment, valued at $120.00

Our payment services present you online access to all the languages that LEC supports: more than 300 speech pairs. After your original payment expires, you may resubscribe to single or more speech pairs representing as small as $5 per month. You do not require to resubscribe to carry on to employ Power Translator from your desktop.
Power Translator Euro includes LEC%27s advanced consumer interfaces:

* LogoTrans translates wording that you class, paste, or globule.
* ClipTrans translates any wording that is selected and copied.
* MirrorTrans automatically monitors another use window and translates whatever wording appears there.
* TransIt translates а judgement or two and rapidly pops it into another use, such as an moment communication or conversation window.
* Rapid Start Program. Details: QuickStart helps first-time users pick the superlative program representing any conversion duty.
* Document Trans translates %27text only%27, Microsoft Little talk, HTML, RTF, PDF, and XML files.
* Lexicon is second-hand to make and look over dictionaries. Details: Rapidly and smoothly join words or translations not already in the chief or subject-matter dictionaries. This allows you to grow the exactness of translations and make а lexicon tailored to your needs.
* Specialized Dictionaries Details: Incorporate specialized duty, computer, medical, and law dictionaries representing more exact translations of wording in these subjects.
* Self-acting Speech Connection Details: Self-acting Speech Connection enables rapid, simple conversion of multilingual wording. With Self-acting Speech Connection enabled, you merely choose and reproduction wording and ClipTrans automatically translates it to your chosen speech.

Novel Features and Improvements

* Greater rapidity and exactness Details: Improvements possess been made to all conversion motor dictionaries and grammars resulting in superior translations than at all previously.
* Speech-to-text Details: Integration of Microsoft%27s speaking identification representing English, German, French, Spanish, Japanese, and Chinese when operation beneath Vista. English, Chinese, and Japanese speaking identification is supported beneath XP. Convert your speaking. Command conversion applications with your speech.
* Text-to-Speaking Details: representing Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.
* Drift Conversion Details: Dot the cursor at а little talk and а conversion of the judgement or little talk at once appears close by the wording.
* Convert Choice Details: Choose any wording and its conversion appears next to it.
* Wording Seizure Details: Introduce wording to LogoTrans from any program. No require to gash and paste: fair click проr pull а rectangle about the wording you desire to introduce.

Рік: 2010
ОС: Windows All
Ліки: Не має потреби
Size: 164,93 Мб

LEC Power Translator 14 Euro Edition Multilanguage Portable


програма-перекладач LEC Power Translator 14 Euro Edition Multilanguage Portable безкоштовно / программа-переводчик LEC Power Translator 14 Euro Edition Multilanguage Portable бесплатно

Power Translator Pro - это универсальная программа-переводчик. Это самая продвинутая настольная версия экономической бизнес линии от компании LEC. Переводите письма, электронную переписку по email, в чате, блогах и мессенжерах типа Icq. Переводите легко из любой программы, - аккуратно, быстро и гибко. Переводите между множеством языков с этим одним пакетом: с/на английский, французский, немецкий, итальянский, португальский, испанский и русский языки. Имеет несколько консолей для различных целей, набор специализированных словарей: бизнес, компьютер, медицинский и юридический словари для более точных переводов текстов по этим предметам и автоматический идентификатор языка.

Power Translator Pro имеет распознавание разговорной речи с английского, немецкого, французского, испанского, японского и китайского языков. Озвучивание текста в речь на голландском, английском, французском, немецком, итальянском, японском, корейском, португальском, русском и испанском языках. Мгновенный перевод перед курсором. Перевод выделенного текста и захват текста из некопируемых зон экрана монитора.

Power Translator helps flourish businesses near providing more access to complex subjects and duty documents. It is the most advanced form of our cost-effective desktop software
* Convert letters, emails, conversation, blogs and moment messages
* Convert from any program effortlessly
* Exact, quick, flexible

Convert between multiple languages with single software packet: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Russian.

Online Translation

With Power Translator, you also obtain an opening payment to Convert DotNetwork, with its easy-to-use desktop toolbar.
With Power Translator Euro you obtain:

* 3 month Convert DotNetwork payment, valued at $120.00

Our payment services present you online access to all the languages that LEC supports: more than 300 speech pairs. After your original payment expires, you may resubscribe to single or more speech pairs representing as small as $5 per month. You do not require to resubscribe to carry on to employ Power Translator from your desktop.
Power Translator Euro includes LEC%27s advanced consumer interfaces:

* LogoTrans translates wording that you class, paste, or globule.
* ClipTrans translates any wording that is selected and copied.
* MirrorTrans automatically monitors another use window and translates whatever wording appears there.
* TransIt translates a judgement or two and rapidly pops it into another use, such as an moment communication or conversation window.
* Rapid Start Program. Details: QuickStart helps first-time users pick the superlative program representing any conversion duty.
* Document Trans translates %27text only%27, Microsoft Little talk, HTML, RTF, PDF, and XML files.
* Lexicon is second-hand to make and look over dictionaries. Details: Rapidly and smoothly join words or translations not already in the chief or subject-matter dictionaries. This allows you to grow the exactness of translations and make a lexicon tailored to your needs.
* Specialized Dictionaries Details: Incorporate specialized duty, computer, medical, and law dictionaries representing more exact translations of wording in these subjects.
* Self-acting Speech Connection Details: Self-acting Speech Connection enables rapid, simple conversion of multilingual wording. With Self-acting Speech Connection enabled, you merely choose and reproduction wording and ClipTrans automatically translates it to your chosen speech.

Novel Features and Improvements

* Greater rapidity and exactness Details: Improvements possess been made to all conversion motor dictionaries and grammars resulting in superior translations than at all previously.
* Speech-to-text Details: Integration of Microsoft%27s speaking identification representing English, German, French, Spanish, Japanese, and Chinese when operation beneath Vista. English, Chinese, and Japanese speaking identification is supported beneath XP. Convert your speaking. Command conversion applications with your speech.
* Text-to-Speaking Details: representing Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.
* Drift Conversion Details: Dot the cursor at a little talk and a conversion of the judgement or little talk at once appears close by the wording.
* Convert Choice Details: Choose any wording and its conversion appears next to it.
* Wording Seizure Details: Introduce wording to LogoTrans from any program. No require to gash and paste: fair click or pull a rectangle about the wording you desire to introduce.

Год: 2010
ОС: Windows All
Лекарство: Не Нуждается
Size: 164,93 Мб

LEC Power Translator 14 Euro Edition Multilanguage Portable



Категорія: Софт, програми| Переглядів: 2169 | Автор: MetalmaideN | Дата: 21.02.2010
Теги: перекладач, переводчик, LEC Power Translator 14, LEC Power Translator 14 Euro Editio
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