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fantom2.org.ua>Збірники музики > U2 - Найкращі Хіти (2008) MP3 / U2 - Greatest Hits (2008) MP3

Безкоштовно U2 - Найкращі Хіти (2008) MP3 / U2 - Greatest Hits (2008) MP3

Виконавець: U2
Альбом: Greatest Hits
Жанр: Rock | Alternative
Рік: 2010
Якість: 320kbps
Кількість треків: 35
Час звучання: 01:55:20


01. The Saints Are Coming
02. Vertigo
03. Electrical Storm
04. Elevation
05. Window in the Skies
06. Staring at the Sun
07. New Year's Day
08. Where the Streets Have
No Name
09. Sunday Bloody Sunday
10. Desire
11. I Will Follow
12. Discotheque
13. Walk On
14. Numb
15. Even Better Than the
Real Thing
16. Do You Feel Loved
17. Stay (Faraway, So Close!)
18. With or Without You

01. Hold me, thrill me, kiss me, kill me
02. Mysterious way
03. City of blinding lights
04. One
05. Pride (In the Name of Love)
06. Stuck in а moment you can't get out of
07. Beautiful day
08. Sometimes You Can't Make It on Your Own
09. I still haven'd found what I'm
looking for
10. Sweetest thing
11. Miss sarajevo (feat Luciano Pavarotti)
12. In god's country
13. Until the end of the world
14. Mofo
15. Angel of Harlem
16. If God will send his angels
17. The hands that built America

Розмір: 358 MB

Исполнитель: U2
Альбом: Greatest Hits
Жанр: Rock | Alternative Rock
Год: 2010
Качество: 320kbps
Количество треков: 35
Время звучания: 01:55:20


01. The Saints Are Coming
02. Vertigo
03. Electrical Storm
04. Elevation
05. Window in the Skies
06. Staring at the Sun
07. New Year's Day
08. Where the Streets Have No Name
09. Sunday Bloody Sunday
10. Desire
11. I Will Follow
12. Discotheque
13. Walk On
14. Numb
15. Even Better Than the Real Thing
16. Do You Feel Loved
17. Stay (Faraway, So Close!)
18. With or Without You

01. Hold me, thrill me, kiss me, kill me
02. Mysterious way
03. City of blinding lights
04. One
05. Pride (In the Name of Love)
06. Stuck in a moment you can't get out of
07. Beautiful day
08. Sometimes You Can't Make It on Your Own
09. I still haven'd found what I'm looking for
10. Sweetest thing
11. Miss sarajevo (feat Luciano Pavarotti)
12. In god's country
13. Until the end of the world
14. Mofo
15. Angel of Harlem
16. If God will send his angels
17. The hands that built America

Размер: 358 MB


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Категорія: Збірники музики| Переглядів: 1664 | Автор: RareFire | Дата: 17.11.2010
Теги: U2, U2 - Greatest Hits, U2 - Найкращі Хіти (2008) MP3
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